
Oaks Colliery Disaster

We’ve been asked to pass on this request for information and help…

Does anyone have, or know of anyone who’s relatives were a victim of the Oaks Colliery Disaster, Barnsley, South Yorkshire. in which 361 men and boys lost their lives on December 12th 1866.

For nearly 50yrs this was the worst mining disaster in Britain, and is still the worst in England. Wales and Scotland have National Memorials to mark their worst mining disasters, as yet England does not.

I am part of a small group of ex miners who are trying to raise funds for a suitable Memorial to those who perished 150 years ago next December (2016).

This was a major local and national disaster,and should not be allowed to pass unnoticed. We owe it to the victims and their families to commemorate the event in a fitting manner, and at the same time leaving a lasting memorial for future generations as a reminder of the true cost of coal.

Britain was built on coal, we should be proud of our great mining heritage, and all the men, women and children who worked, were injured and ultimately lost their lives in the coal mining industry.


If you have relatives or know anyone who has.
If you would like to get involved.
Or if you have any information or stories,
please contact remembertheoaks@gmail.com

Bill Shaw

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