
A New Year Message

Another year almost under our belt, and what a year it’s been!  We won the Queens Award for Voluntary Service and got nominated for the Sentinel Our Heroes Awards. We held our first mining gala, which was a huge success, and hopefully complemented the great season of events from the railway.  It’s never plain sailing in the heritage business and this year had its fair share of hiccups, but thanks to our talented and dedicated team, we’ve overcome every challenge that’s been thrown at us.  In 2014, there is a lot to look forward to.  The headline act must be the Railway’s event to mark the start of the Great War; Tracks to Trenches www.ww1-event.org.  We also plan to have another mining gala, so watch this space for details soon. Projects on the boil included our much anticipated café heating system (which should be installed in time for use to enjoy it while it is still chilly) and our new lamp room, which is steadily creeping towards completion.  In closing, the trustees would like to wish all of our visitors (past, present and future), supporters, volunteers and everyone else a happy and prosperous New Year.

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