
The News at Ted

Due to the popular Apedale Valley Light Railway Teddy Bears Outing this weekend, Apedale Heritage Centre had a good turnout of teddy bears and other assorted toy animals. Some of them even brought along their owners! It’s time now to round up the ten Apedale teddy bears that had escaped into the museum. Fortunately we had a lot of help finding them from visiting children. Thank you to everyone who dropped by for our teddy bear activities and also took advantage of our café facilities.

If you picked up a sheet for our Colouring Competition, please return it by the end of August. We have a prize for each age category – a teddy for the best under-five entry and chocolate bears for the other two age categories. The winning pictures will be posted on our Facebook page, for all to admire!

The next event on the calendar is the railway gala in September. More details, as always, on their web site www.avlr.org.uk and their Facebook page.

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