
Coronavirus Information

Aug 2022: Updated

Please observe the latest government advice regarding Covid-19

All arrangements are subject to change with circumstances and government advice.

Face coverings

Face covering are no ,longer a legal requirement, but are advised in crowded or enclosed areas

However, when taking part of a mine tour, a face covering will also be required. Exceptions do not apply. We appreciate your cooperation in this.

Track and Trace

Official QR codes are available at the door and on each counter for anyone who wishes to sign in via the NHS app.


The café is open daily, with our regular menu. Seating is available indoors and outdoors, and has now been restored to the pre-covid layout.

Mine Tours

Mine tours have resumed each weekend as before. Due to the relatively confined spaces and constant air flow face coverings are required on mine tours and tours limited to 6 people This is requirement agreed with the Mines Inspectorate

Please Read

If you have any of the symptoms of Covid-19 please do not visit, we’ll be glad to welcome you when you are better.

Touch less where you can, for example display cabinets in the museum.

Please try to avoid blocking walkways.


The toilets will be open daily, and have been restored to pre-covid arrangements. Our disabled facilities are single occupancy and are available to those who wish to maintain social distancing.


Please visit the railway’s website at, https://avlr.org.uk/ for information on their arrangements.


There are two car park near to the Heritage Centre, just ot the left and the right as you approach us. The parking area outside the heritage centre is for staff and visitors with a Blue Badge. Further parking for the country park is available off Black Bank road for those that enjoy a bit of a walk.


The museum is now open again at our normal times; weekends 10:30am to 4pm. The one way system has been relaxed with floor markings to guide visitors

School/Group Visits

School visits are now available for pre-booking.